USB-UIRT for DirectIR communication?

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USB-UIRT for DirectIR communication?

Postby t0tal151 » Mon Feb 14, 2005 7:55 pm


I am testing a ir blaster port on an embedded system project. I need a device that can send and receive character buffers via ir in "raw" mode. Ie it cant be on top of a IrDA stack or any other high level protocol. Can this USB-UIRT device be used for serial terminal communication with these vague specifications? If I were to use this, would I be limited to small buffer transmissions as the UIRT device is expecting simple remote control codes?

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Postby jrhees » Mon Feb 14, 2005 11:36 pm

First of all, I would not recommending even considering this unless your project is based on the Windows OS.

With that said, the USB-UIRT is far more capable on the transmit side of very long IR transmissions. The receive code is generally designed for regular remote codes.

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