Repeating code changes after first press

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Repeating code changes after first press

Postby JayShoe » Thu Apr 02, 2009 12:18 pm


I'm not actually the developer on this project but I work closely with the developer. We are having an issue with repeating commands on certain remote controls.

The remotes in question send a certain command for the first press and then has a different repeating command when that button is held down. When I physically look at the USBUIRT using the remotes in question, the red light on the unit lights up for all commands including the continuous commands after the button is held down. He tells me that he only receives anything from the first command, then he never receives any notifications about the subsequent commands from USBUIRT. This is an issue with a variety of remote controls.

Is there a trick to this? Something I can forward to him so we can support the remotes that have this repeating command change issue?

Thank you,
Jay - The world's most powerful jukebox supports USB-UIRT!
Posts: 1
Joined: Thu Apr 02, 2009 12:09 pm

Postby Frank Mc Alinden » Thu Apr 09, 2009 9:59 pm

Hi Jay

Your probably using remotes which use the NEC IR Format ....The only way around it is to use multiple presses instead of holdingthe button....

Frank Mc Alinden
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Location: Melbourne Australia

Postby lagommette » Tue May 19, 2009 8:34 pm

Hi Jay,

I have had the same trouble, but with the help of Jon I solved it:

The same code can be sent sequencially several times. It is meant to simulate long press on a button.

Take a look at the 4th parameter of the UUIRTTransmitIR function, the uRepeatCount variable.

Some of my equipement need only one 'pulse'. If I set the uRepeatCount variable to 3 for example, the equipement will react 3 times.


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