USB-UIRT with Digital TV Converter Box and Orb?

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USB-UIRT with Digital TV Converter Box and Orb?

Postby jeddeth » Sat Dec 27, 2008 9:11 pm

I am considering getting the USB-UIRT to control my Zenith DTT900 Digital TV to Analog converter box. The box tunes to digital stations (i.e. 2.1, 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 5.1) and I am not sure if the IR Blaster or orb will be able to control this.

My tivo is able to control the DTV Converter properly, so I know it is possible for IR codes to be created, but since I know nothing about the USB-UIRT, I am hoping someone can let me know if this will work before I spend the $50.


(I am using the converter box now with my Hauppauge PVR-150 and Orb, but I can only get 1 channel remotely. But the converted HD OTA signal looks amazing on my iphone!)
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Zenith DTT901

Postby drczzz » Thu Feb 05, 2009 9:10 pm

See my reply to myself on topic "USBUIRT and Digital Converter Boxes" I have be able to use the RCA DTA809 converter with the USBUIRT, but as of today, have had no success with the Zenith DTT901. However, this is a moot point for you if you have not already purchased a DTT901 as they have been discontinued and are no longer available.

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