Using USBUIRT as an XAP node

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Using USBUIRT as an XAP node

Postby jerny » Sat May 19, 2007 3:36 am

I'm trying to understand a little bit more about how USBUIRT works. I'm currently using it with HomeSeer 2 (HS2), and it works great. In HS2, first I pick an IR "location" (#1 through N). Then when I click "Learn" in HS2, I get prompted to hold my remote close to the USBUIRT and transmit a code. USBUIRT learns the code and I can then label it in HS2.

My question is where is this code being stored? Does USBUIRT store the code in its own memory? If yes, then is the Homeseer plugin telling USBUIRT in which "slot" to store the IR code? How many slots does USBUIRT have (i.e., how many codes can it store)? Can I use the IR LrnHelper or some other simple piece of software instead of Homeseer to fill and manage the USBUIRT's IR slots?

If the USBUIRT is, in fact, storing the codes itself, then when it receives an IR code (while not in learn mode), does it search through its stored codes to find a match, and then if it finds a match it tells Homeseer which code was matched?

Why am I asking all of these questions?

I am asking because I would prefer to run USBUIRT as an XAP node so I can use it in conjuncton with an Ocelot and have 2 IR devices at once even though HomeSeer only supports a single IR device. I want to know how to manage the codes stored in the USBUIRT if I don't have it setup as a Homeseer plugin. The Ocelot, for example, comes with CPUXA software that allows me to manage the learning and storage of IR codes in the Ocelot. Is there an equivalent for the USBUIRT?

Thank you
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Joined: Sat May 12, 2007 11:27 pm

Postby Bitmonster » Thu May 24, 2007 3:00 pm

No, the USB-UIRT generally doesn't store the codes. The application using it has to store them and send it to the device on demand. Only exception are the four WakeFromStandBy reception codes, that are stored in the device (through lrnhelper.exe for example).
Posts: 26
Joined: Fri Sep 02, 2005 1:40 pm


Postby jerny » Mon Aug 27, 2007 1:14 am

Given that the Homeseer USBUIRT plug-in sticks stuff into the windows registry, it seems like it would have to be recoded to work as an XAP plug-in. Any idea how to make that happen?!
Posts: 6
Joined: Sat May 12, 2007 11:27 pm

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