I'm looking to replace all my IR200L units with one USB-UIRT for snapstream's BeyondTV 4.6 version. My question is, I have 3 cable boxes, all use the same codes, can't change that, I'm going to use the zoning feature with the wiring properly split, I understand all that, I'm just hoping someone has already done this as to tell me it's possible before I make the plunge.
Does BTV support the USB-UIRT and it's zones feature without having to resort to installing and configuring Girder and does it have the built in capability to learn the remote through the BTV interface.
I hope it's possible because I hate Girder, I've tried on a number of occasions to use it with the IR200Ls and always ended up with a mess that I couldn't make it do what I wanted.
This might be a question better for the snapstream forums, but I'd like to get an idea from both here and there.